Hi Liz. I can’t believe it’s already been two years since you’ve gone. I know you’re not alone and that brings me comfort. I’m glad you’re no longer in pain, I could tell how painful it was for you near the end. You always did your best to hide it and would greet me with a smile and a happy wiggle-waggle of your tail as if to say: “I’m okay kid and I’m happy to see you! Can I have a cookie?” I can’t believe how much things have changed in only two years. I miss you every day and I still look for you on the couch or in the yard. I think Darcy does too sometimes. To my surprise I adopted two cats last year and not two kittens like I had planned. Their names are Zoe and Chloe, they’re both very sweet. I know you’d really like them. Darcy is friends with both girls and their friends with him. Although Zoe still gives him lip if he gets too close, but she loves him. Some days are rougher than others, but I’m doing my best to hang in there and honor the promise I made to you. I’m alright and I’ll keep moving forward. I love you. Say hi to everyone for me, won’t you? Be sure to ask grandma for some cookies on the rainbow bridge while you’re at it. I know she’d love to give you some in my place.
Abby, Mommy, Darcy, and Daddy