July 3, 2002 – April 21, 2018
Dinah was my first “hey, I’m an adult I can have my own dog now” dog. I thought – how hard could it be having a puppy, anyway?
Little did we know what we were in for. Dinah ate EVERYTHING – wicker baskets, futons, a waterbed, and anything she thought was even remotely related to food. As she got older, at least she stuck to mostly food-ish things (and Easter candy).
There are so many memories that it is impossible to list them all. When she got to have her own kids to play with she was about as happy as she could be. She would run around the yard chasing soccer balls (or whatever was handy that you could throw), or she would just lay in the sun for hours watching the kids play. Once, she ran away from the house and we were in tears, frantically searching for her for an hour or so – I was driving around the neighborhood and got a phone call that she was at the back door waiting to be let in. I wanted to be mad at her so badly but I just couldn’t. I was just so happy she was home.
When Dinah was 13 she had a stroke and we thought we might lose her, but she clearly wasn’t done with us and we were blessed to have two more years with her. She couldn’t run in straight lines anymore (she had a mean lean to the left after she recovered) but that didn’t stop her from trying.
Dinah passed away in our arms at home on a Saturday morning – her body finally just gave up on her. It was one of the toughest days of our lives.
She was the sweetest, smartest, and most loyal friend anyone could have. We will cherish the time we had with her always. Miss you, baby girl.