Blue Chase
May 2007 – October 2015
It was time. Time for the Chase’s to introduce a canine sibling for TJ and Sierra, then 9 and 6. Through a newspaper clipping announcing Golden Retriever pups, we made the call and set up an appointment for the breeders to interview us and determine if we were responsible and loving enough to adopt one of their prized babies. Born in Lancaster, PA, Blue was one of eight pups. We met all his siblings, his mom, his aunt, and his grandma. They were all beautiful. When the breeders let the litter out of the whelping pen for us to meet, seven of them went ripping out into the grass. One stopped for some reason and introduced himself with puppy kisses to Sierra. She said “Blue Daddy, Blue!” As this friendly pup chose her, he was the one with, you guessed it, a blue collar to discern him from the others. The rest is history.
Blue quickly assimilated into our family, lifestyle and neighborhood. As a pup, he loved to teethe on our wooden kitchen table’s legs. It broke my heart to eventually rid of this table as the teeth marks were a constant memory of our sweet boy. His first year, he enjoyed stealing socks and racing around in sporadic periods of “the zoomies”, running in circles and up and down the couch. We learned quickly why families adopt pets while their children are young – so the pets can wear them out and the kids can keep up with them! Blue became a neighborhood favorite. With his handsome light golden fur and his loving eyes, he would chase the kids around and around and offer slobbery smooches to all who would accept them. He thoroughly enjoyed jumping in our car and traveling to the kids’ sporting events. His favorite sport was baseball. He would lay on the grass in the shadows of our chairs for hours and hours until TJ shared part of his hot dog with him. He was excellent therapy for all who gave him a pet or two.
As he got older and our kids became busier, he settled down quite nicely and became the greatest lap dog ever. And when he was tired – he would get up and begin strolling down the hallway while still staring at us. Time for bed! Unfortunately, at the age of eight, Blue suddenly became ill and crossed the rainbow bridge within one week. The day of his passing was one of the saddest days of our family’s life. Memories are to be treasured, but to endure the pain of losing your best friend so quickly was almost unbearable. Hug your family and your pets as much as you can. Tomorrow is never a sure thing. Blue is always in our hearts. The Chase family.
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